Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Alumni I SMP Bayt Tamyiz Islamic Boarding School

Vision of Bayt Tamyiz Junior High School

To become a model school that prepares students to be smart of translating Qur'an, reading digital arabic, clever at arabic dictation. and reteach what he had learned, as the Imam Syafi'i ever could.

Bayt Tamyiz is a formal education institutions with the concept of islamic boarding school, where students live in dorms and follow the rules of the dorm,and it has the characteristic to shape students as young scholars who can teach what he learned. Because we belive, that good person is the person who benefit others.

Since its founding in 2010, went unnoticed  Bayt Tamyiz Bayt JHS already been 3 years old. precisely on June 30, 2013 ago, we had just passed the first graduates of Bayt Tamyiz.

Although they are small, God willing, they can contribute to the advancement of our country with their abilities.

Now they have to continue to upper secondary education and spread to several areas in West Java and Yogyakarta.

Information about Bayt Tamyiz, call on:
Mr. Saiful (0812 8107 0114)
Mr. Wanto (0878 2892 0705)
or email us at: bayttamyizsmp@yahoo.com.au

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