Jumat, 19 Juli 2013

Learning and Teaching in Tamyiz Method

Principles of teaching Tamyiz method:

  • How to teach is more important than the material of teaching  
Material of teaching in tamyiz method is similar to the rules of Arabic books Nahwu-Shorof, but the most important is how to teach it. Because of the method is so easy, insha Allah small child could teach and moreover those who have ever been child.

  • Teaching by heart.
Teaching can be choosen by mouth or by heart, and Allah revealed the Quran to the human's heart.

Tamyiz learning methods have specific characteristics:

  • Laduni (Ilate kudu muni): 
Students learn Tamyiz method by the speak out technique, as the way to optimize the use of the potential of the right brain and left brain in balance, equipped with singing technique, as a way to optimize the potential of the subconscious brain or qolbu, so that the learning outcomes would be optimal.

  • Sentot (Training Of Trainers Students): 
Students learning model is a model of  teacher who is teaching or explaining the student, insha allah tamyiz students can duplicate the teacher and reteach it to others.

How to evaluate teaching and learning Tamyiz:
1. EASY: the learning process should be perceived easily by students,  if there are students who have difficulty then there is a less effective way of teaching, the teacher must evaluate how to teach more easly.

This article is taken from Tamyiz book.
More information about Tamyiz Method, call us on:
Miss Ainin (0812 8107 0112)
Mr. Dindin (0812 8107 0113)
or about our formal institution Bayt Tamyiz Junior High School:
Contact person:
Mr. Wanto (0878 2892 0705)
Mr. Saeful (0812 8107 0114)
website: www.tamyizonline.com
email: bayttamyizsmp@yahoo.com.au

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